A lot of this blog reader seem to like my previous post about Adult Funny Comics Strip and has been request for some more. These kind of comic is what we called classy adult comics. They're not too rude and explicit, still need a little bit of thinking to understand, and can make you laugh hard. So, this time I post some more comics that more hilarious than the previous one. Have fun!
Watch Where You Stand

Battery for Live

What're Friends For?

Once again, give me your feedback! Tell me which one do you think the funniest?
Fun or Not:

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing.
Very funny, I will send them to my friends. Thanks for sharing!
Blogna keren boz..
Tuker link y bro..
nice post
these are very funny
Racy stuff! Thanks for posting.
I'm thinking of getting into doing comics, mostly erotic ones. Where can I find the hottest comics and I don't really want any of those hentai stuff??????. I want something really artistic and good.
hohoho! now thats what real comics should be.
what is the language or country?
Some of them are very funny.
And the old guy was mad about the no smoking sign! that's just great, and I have to say that i feel sorry about the window cleaner, but he died happy the last image that he was good enough.
Native roulette? LOL... Classic... :)
sipppp thankssss......
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