Back again with another magic trick session. Unlike the last one that used mathematical trick to guessed someone's birthday, this time we learn about optical illusion, the specialty of the master illusionist, David Copperfield.
Read the clue in the pictures carefully, and scroll down very slow to follow this trick:

Fun or Not:

Nice!! I will try it with my friends!
That was creepy, I didn't realize the trick :( How did that happen? I am really amazed!
Ahahaha, actually the trick is simple. None of the cards in pic 1 is appear in pic 4. So, whichever card you pick, it won't be appear!
LOL! So that was the trick! Silly me, hehehe. Thanks!
This simple trick fools a surprising number of people. You can do it with real cards in front of people. Never repeat the trick for the same people though.
this magic I have used before 3 years when one of my friend sent me this link.
this is very wonderful.
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