Funny or not, you have to believe me that this is a humor blog, and you better know that we are not trying to make you laugh or smile even a little through the jokes which is contained in this site. What we're trying to do right now is just to make sure that the humor and jokes keyword will be on the first paragraph of this post.
Got You! Of course I am just kidding.
Since this is a humor blog what we always try to do is just make sure you will get the funny quotes and jokes whether it was labeled with a funny poem, funny adult comic, picture, funny video, etc.
Oh no I started it again and I can see the red horns getting grow on your smokey head, really sorry for that!
Perhaps your face looks like these women' by now.
or looks like these angry guys just because of our bad jokes,
Fun or Not:

Wow, talk about mixed reactions!!!
umm ... I guess =)
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