If you like to browse internet for humor and funny stuff, then you must have been familiar with all kind of funny answers on exams. It's a situation where student can't answer a question on exams, and instead leave the sheet blank, they write or draw ridiculous text and picture. We've posted this kind of funny answers on exams for several times now, including the one titled as Example of Bright Students.
Now, students are not the only side who love to playing around, but their teacher as well. When some children gave funny answers on exams, the teacher also gave funny note and marking when they return the test's result. Check out the pics below:

Fun or Not:
its very interesting and funny article... I like this...
All children are different strategies for learning and achieve their goals. Few of the students in class understand and learn quickly, but at the same time there are those who have repeatedly taught a variety of techniques that students can learn the lesson. On the other hand there are students who use the school as a joke and the show. The teaching becomes difficult, especially if there is proper communication.
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